Sunday, August 8, 2010


We made it safely home late Sunday afternoon from CHOP. We are doing really well, just tired. We were supposed to come home Saturday, but Isaiah still had not pooped and we were having trouble with his G-Tube site. It was leaking and no one was sure why. Finally, we determined that the one extension set was cracked and the other one was loose. Once we exchanged out the sets, the G-tube stopped leaking. Then after Isaiah pooped, we were given the green light to go home. He is still not eating by mouth and continues to throw up often. It's incredibly frustrating, but there are worse things. We just have to learn to focus on the positive. We are hoping that after this surgery Isaiah will eventually learn to eat and tolerate food. Please continue to pray for this with us.

Isaiah was a favorite amongst the nurses. Many times we would find him at the nurse's station flirting away, giving the 'Surprise Face', helping out with their charts, or he'd be down in the play room entertaining other patients. He is quite a character and has made many of them laugh. Daily, nurses would come into his room for a hug/smile/kiss/or a surprise face---It's something Isaiah likes to do to make people smile or laugh.

Josiah came home at about 6pm on Sunday night. It's always a wonderful feeling when you've been separated from your child, and they come running into you with lots of hugs and kisses! We are so glad to be back together as a family. Thank you for praying for all of us. Thanks to the Ekstrom and Miller families for watching Josiah this past week, and thanks to those who have been providing meals. You've been an incredible help and have alleviated a lot of stress and extra work.

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