Thursday, February 16, 2012


Day 1, Tuesday: In alot of pain, but we were able to take Isaiah down to CHOP's atrium in a wagon to play BINGO and to watch a ballet show by performers from the Philadelphia Dance Academy. He pretty much passed out as soon as we put him back to bed. He has very little endurance because of the pain. Pastor Connors and Pastor Grogan, from our church, came down in the evening to pray over Isaiah.

Day 2, Wednesday: Viviane, Chris's mom, spent the day at CHOP watching Isaiah. This allowed Chris to go to work and me to spend the day with Josiah celebrating his birthday--he turned 5!!! Can't believe it--time just keeps on flying by. I brought Josiah down to CHOP to spend a little time with Isaiah. He has really missed Isaiah. He has been praying daily, "Dear Jesus, please let me see Isaiah again. I really want to see him." It breaks my heart to see how much it affects them when they are separated. They are best buds. Chris then took Josiah home to have some daddy-time on his birthday. We keep trying to make things work even when life keeps handing us crap.

Day 3, Thursday:
Still having an insane amount of pain and continues to be medicated around the clock. He could only tolerate being out of bed for 1 hour today. He did play a bit, which was a small improvement from the past 2 days. Uncle Dave Solt came for a quick visit and prayed over Isaiah. He started on Pedialyte today, but didn't tolerate it. Please pray that Isaiah's bowels start working, that he can tolerate the feeds, and poop. He would do so much better and feel so much better if he could poo.

As of right now, Isaiah will need to stay at CHOP until Tuesday/Wednesday. He is progressing so slowly that his doctors don't expect him to tolerate full feeds anytime soon. We are all exhausted and want to go home. Please pray for a miracle in Isaiah's body. One huge praise--we did get a room at the Ronald McDonald House in Philly--Thanks, Doug! This weekend, we will bring Josiah down to spend time with all of us. We are looking forward to being together.

Thank you to everyone who has been helping us out with watching Josiah, meals, praying for us, and for encouraging us. We really appreciate it!!

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