Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Arrival time at CHOP yesterday was 6am.  Isaiah was taken back for surgery at 8:15 and was finished 2 hrs later.   He has 1.5 inch incision at his low back.  He is having moderate amount of pain, but wants to get up. First thing he said as he was coming out of anesthesia was, "I want to get up and go home to see my brother." Unfortunately, he has to lay flat for 48 hours.  Please pray for him to follow instructions to prevent damage to his back/cord.  Also, he has to remain calm for the next month.  It's going to be tough on all of us, especially him. How do you make a VERY active little boy sit still?  We are open to any suggestions! ;O)

Isaiah is such an amazing trooper.  I don't know how he goes through everything and still manages to smile and flirt with the nurses.  Dr. Sutton did feel the surgery went well and that the cord was definitely tethered, so we did the right thing.  Now it's just time to heal. Hopefully, we will be discharged this Thursday or Friday.  Thank you for praying. 

Please pray for Josiah.  He is really struggling with this current operation and separation.  I received a call from his teacher at school today--Josiah was crying cause he really wants to see his brother.  I talked to him and tried to comfort him.  His little heart hurts.  It is really tough to watch him deal with such grown-up issues at such a young age.  Life really is not fair.  

Thank you for your continued support, love, and prayers.  Some have asked what can they do to help--meals for my mom and Josiah at our home and gas cards are the most helpful right now.  We appreciate all your support.  As always, please pass this on to your friends and family.  The more that pray, the more strength and peace we gain from God.  God bless.

1 comment:

  1. We continue to hold your family in our prayers. Much hope!
