Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Believe or not, there is talk for Isaiah to return home this Monday!!!  I can't believe it--he hasn't been home in 4 months!  I'm not sure how we will adjust to being a family again after so long!  We have a lot to get done in the house before he gets home.  Thankfully, Isaiah has been in good spirits and is charming the socks off of all the nurses, doctors, therapists, and all other staff members.  I know they will miss him when he leaves.

Please pray for the following for us:
1. Approval for Home Care Nursing--we are trying to get back our 96 hours we had prior to Isaiah's hospitalization.
2. Healing of a sore at the base of Isaiah's spine.
3. That we get approval for a grant that will help replace the flooring in our home--because Isaiah threw up for 2 years, there is significant mold growth in the carpets.  We had a professional come out and evaluate our floors.  Until we can replace the carpets, we are going to do a cleaning that will hold us over until then.  Pray that the boys and I won't have too many reactions to the mold.
4. That we will adjust smoothly back to being a family.  It has been a long time since we have lived in the same house at the same time.

A Few Requests:
1. If any of you have time, we could use the help in getting our home cleaned this weekend before Isaiah comes home.  Please let me know.
2. Also, meals would be fantastic!  We do have a large freezer to store them.  Until we get a routine reestablished, meals help relieve a huge load off of our shoulders. 

Thank you again for all your prayers and support!  We truly could not have made it this far without your love and strength! 

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